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My dad tries to disown me.  You see, I am crazy about the Pittsburgh

Steelers.  Dad?  He's a die hard Dallas Cowboys kind of you see my problem?  In fact, I created the entire 2016 - 2017 Steelers schedule, their injured list, made the complete rostera playbook including the special teams plays.  Yeah, it's intense.  It looks like an actual coach's book.

My mom made me sign a contract to become a reporter.  She said I need to be sure I have good character and follow her rules regarding reporting and using social media - all under her super close and strict supervision.


From movie reviews, to book reviews, to hanging out and having good family fun, and much more that we have planned, KidChrisAroundTown will keep you busy, so be sure to check constantly!

Thanks for checking out KidChrisAroundTown, anytime you have a question, or would like to see something covered, just drop me a message!

Just Kidding,


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ABOUT KidChrisAroundTown

Bringing you what you need to know!

I'm just a kid who spends way too much time on his phone.  I have a great mom who always reminds me that I am genius smart and wasting my brain cells!  Frustrated with this constant battle, she came up with this brilliant idea of me being a kid reporter and I fell in love with it!

I'm a crazy reader, like, I'm talking I read a 200 - 300 + chapter book in less than an hour or two (usually an  hour).  My mom didn't believe I was actually reading and understanding - until she quizzed me over several random pages she chose.  She was blown away.

I also like to research things I'm curious about.I've started working on a lot of books, but I haven't come anywhere close to finishing any of them, mom says I could if  leave my phone alone.  I also like to research things I'm curious about.

I'm also a GT kid who was invited into Duke TIP, Duke University's Talent Identification Program.  I quote Duke University here, "Only 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students with outstanding intellectual abilities are invited to joing Duke TIP each year - and I am among them!"  All my classes last year were Pre-AP courses that I literally flew through!


If you think that's cool, wait until you hear this! One of my awards at the end of fifth grade was the highest honor a student can receive (speaking of fifth grade, I'm going to sixth grade, but I should be going to fifth).  I received a letter and an award from the President of the United States for the President's Education Awards Program in recognition of outstanding academic excellence - now THAT was awesome!

Why am I telling you this?  Definitely NOT to brag.  I want you to know that it really is cool and totally ok to be smart.  It took me a while and a few bumps in the road to learn that.  I realize now that I'm a great kid and I'm so glad that my mom is challenging me to use my intellectual abilities in fun and challenging ways.  This reporter stuff is hard work, but also way cool!

So now you see why she said I need to be doing something other than hanging  out on my phone.

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