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Auxier brings Peter Nimble to Life

I HAVE to thank Mrs. Wilson, my librarian at my school for offering me the opportunity to introduce Mr. Jonathan Auxier. When I checked in, I was told that so many people wanted to introduce Jonathan Auxier. Only a few were able to and I'm glad I was one of them. Mr. Auxier visited my school the week before Book Fest. So I was really lucky, I got to hang out with him TWICE!I

I even got a chance to chat with him about my blog. He gave me a really good idea. He said I should do something charitable. My mom and I have been talking about that exact same thing! After he said it, we started thinking of a writing contest and giving the winner a set of autographed books - I just have to figure out how to get the autographed books! My mom and I also talked about doing a book drive to collect new books and give them to kids who don't get to read many books. We've got some work to do!

Mr. Auxier is an amazingly funny and extremely talented author. Did you know he is a professional yo-yo(er)? It was so cool to see him tell the story of Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes using a yo-yo. I never knew a yo-yo could be a raven!

Guess what! The next KidChris Book Junkies Meet Up will be all about Auxier's Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes. Get your copy now, we won't meet until November, stay tuned for the date. If you would've heard him tell the story of the beginning of Peter Nimble, you'd be running to get your copy!

Lots of cool stuff on his website, did you know the Night Gardener made the New York Times Bestseller list!

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